Tip 44: Only Use Accessories When Necessary
A lot of people like to use accessories for the aesthetics, but they can actually cut down a significant amount of your radio’s transmission functionality and range. We recommend only going with accessories in environments where you absolutely need them or at the minimum testing your radios with accessories prior to your event to avoid coverage issues.
As a side note, anything wireless can potentially limit your radio functionality more than traditional wired accessories. Meaning another battery that can discharge before the radio, rendering the radio useless.
Tip 45: Use Large Antennas
For radio antennas, we recommend that you use the long version instead of the stubby version. Though it looks a little more discreet, it can actually cut down your radios functionality up to 50%.
Tip 46: Don’t Use Tools on Accessories
A little known fact to anyone outside the radio industry is that you’re not supposed to use tools to tighten accessories onto ports. We’ve seen a lot of people try to screw on speaker mics and surveillance kits using screwdrivers and it actually can damage the radio to the point that it needs factory repair.
If you’re using accessories for your event, make sure that they are hand-tightened.
Tip 47: Protect Accessories From Water
Even though some radios have a form of water resistance, accessories for the most part do not and should be protected from the elements.
This can be a difficult task for events that are held outdoors rain or shine. What’s been successful for most events in helping reduce water damage is wearing ponchos.