Tip 48: How To Deal With Feedback
Every so often, the issue of feedback occurs at events. Radio feedback is a loud, echo sound that occurs when radios are too close to each other. This can usually be resolved by distancing yourself from the other radio by a few feet or turning the volume down on the radio feeding back.
Tip 49 :If You’re In A Building And Having Trouble Communicating, Go Near A Window
When you’re in a building, communications can sometimes be blocked by building materials and glass. To help alleviate this, we recommend going near an open window or stepping outside.
Tip 50: Trouble Hearing Your Radio? Turn Up The Volume
One common troubleshooting issue that we see happen consistently is that people will think their radio is dead or broken, when really they just need to turn up the volume. Depending on the type of radio you have, the volume knob is located at the top of the radio.
Tip 51: Dead Radio? Make Sure It’s Turned On
Along with Tip 50, we actually see people who have their volume turned down so low that they accidentally turned the radio off. By turning the volume knob back up, the radio should turn back up.
Tip 52: Know Your Tones
Is your battery dying? Are you out of range? Are you hitting the PTT button? Your radio should let you know!
Radios have a series of distinct tones that allow you to hear what’s going on with your radio and what issues you should be looking for. Before your event, we recommend that you brush up on tones to make troubleshooting easier.
You can ask your radio vendor for training or you can check out our basic training video here: https://dcrentals.net/training-videos